Thursday, March 17, 2011

Event - Saturday at YVT (After Nada Yoga)

An evening of experiment and more sound and celebration of Spring...all are welcome. More information below:

 Hello.  How to say simply...The intention is to create a sacredconscious space without the use of any chants or words being associated with the singing we will create together.  As a group we will first check in and offer our visions and aspirations for the shifting world....voice our prayers etc....then endeavoring to sing.

 Sort of choir style.  Everyone will sing long drawn out notes without much melody, rising in soft crescendo and descrescendos...No rules.  People listen to the group sounds and the body of sound as a group will shift and change. single note tones, drones. The whole group maintains the sound as a continuity so there is continuous sound...a single body of sound.   The idea is to generate a spontaneous wave and flow of sound where waves of explosive harmony arise followed by intense dissonance...

  Depending on how things go, we may do group visualizations of light etc integrated with the sound.   As well, some movements walking into and awya from the center of the circle.

    I chose saturday night bc of the full moon energy and its proximity to the equinox.  This moon is the closest to our earth in its perogee since 19 some odd years....and likely has some connection to the japan earthquake last week.   As a group, we can create a very conscious and deliberate body of sound that is alive with creative and loving energies, to inspire unity and dissolve the webs of fear and anxiety that are very prevalent in the world right now.   The power to create and manifest change through conscious a context that is not religious.....just primal sound.

   This is something i have wanted to do for this is an experiment.   You and all are welcome to come.  Theres no money involved.

Starts at 6:30!

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