Monday, January 4, 2010

new year resolution

for the holiday my mother gave me a journal -
on the first page she wrote...

"this is a gratitude journal for you. whenever you make an entry, write down the date and then list a few things that you are grateful for. one day, you will look back over your journal and you will see just how blessed life has been."

this is my new year's resolution.
taking a few minutes at the end of each day
looking back and seeing how wonderful it was,
and writing five things i am grateful for.

for example,
an entry for today:

i am grateful for triple A coming and starting my car after 3 days in the cold snow :)

XO, ashley

Sabian 2010

Sabian's New Year's resolution is to feed the squirrels in our back yard an apple every Sunday.

You don't find Yoga , Yoga finds you

As i was driving to work this morning, this thought popped into my head so i thought id share.

As much as you practice, as much as you study, as much as you learn from your teachers and life, try as hard as you might you never really find Yoga.
It is not out there to be found, it is not a concept to one day grasp, it is not an experience to one day have.
It is right now, in each moment, what ever is, exactly as it is.
All of the information out there, is just a hint on what Yoga may or may not be like for you.
Every one of us are unique expressions of the same whole.
Although at its source Yoga is the same we each have our own unique perception and experience of what it is to us.
So stop looking for Yoga you cant find it. It will never meet some kind of theoretical, conceptual expectation you may put on it.
Let Yoga find you, be completely open to this experience right now. That's all there is ...